Investing in massage is an investment in your health. When you put yourself first, only then are you able to help those around you! You may notice that we do not offer separate Swedish or Deep Tissue services. We believe that everyone's needs are individual and sometimes that means you may need deep tissue in some areas and just relaxation techniques in other areas. Instead of having you make a decision between regular massage services, we offer a 30, 60, or 90 minute session at a set price and will cater the session to your needs. We also offer Hot Stone, Bamboo Fusion, Reflexology, and prenatal massage services.
Service/Product | Rate | |
Bamboo Fusion | $140 | / 90 minutes |
Hot Stone Therapy | $140 | / 90 minutes |
Massage | $90 | / 60 minutes |
Massage | $125 | / 90 minutes |
Massage | $55 | / 30 minutes |
Pre-Natal/Pregnancy Massage | $90 | / 60 minutes |
Reflexology | $55 | / 30 minutes |
Reflexology | $25 | / 15 minutes |